Thursday, January 16, 2020

Start of Final Task

        Hello, my name is Jack and I am a senior in high school. Growing up in Florida I am always outside and love the outdoors. My favorite activities including boating and fishing. These are year around activities here as we do not really have a winter which allows me to participate year around. My brothers and I always find a joy in this as we can compete and push each other to do better. I also really enjoy playing basketball with my friends. I do not play for a team as I have some injuries that have caused me to avoid playing as avidly. Being a senior, I have found I have had less and less time to do these activities because of college. It is right around the corner and I have had to do a lot to try and get into the schools I like. I hope to be going to the University of Florida and I will find out if I get in or not within a couple weeks. My group for this project is Jorge and Alex.
        Being half way through the year, I have came a long way in this class. Before, I knew very little about the film world, and now I feel I have the skills to make a movie and edit it fully. The most important thing I have learned how to do is edit. I can now make different video clips look coherent and flow. This is a big deal because before my editing was choppy and did not look proper. Another important skill is the use of proper shots. This can really add depth to a movie as a variety of shots mixed in makes a movie look good. I am really excited to start our big project and I am most excited to be able to shoot proper scenes with the correct use of the camera. A final thing I am excited to do is edit as I think I have came a long way in this section.
       Before we talk about our ideas for our project, I thought I would explain what a pitch is; It is a Hollywood term used to describe an idea for a film in less and 25 words or one sentence. Our first pitch was from Jorge, two burglars enter a house, but when they realize someone is in the house, they try to kidnap them, and the victim tries to escape. Alex's pitch was some people are searching for treasure and they go on a journey to find the treasure map and then they find the treasure. My pitch was someone gets kidnapped, they are able to get out, and they have to run to escape and find their way out away from the robbers.

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