Friday, March 13, 2020

Editing Part 2

Our filming has not progressed much since last class. I had sports after classes and the timing was not working. We hope our timing  will not be affected by this Corona Virus. We realized there might be a little bit of a crunch with our filming due to to this. We are too far progressed on our editing, and don’t have enough good video to use. This isn’t a big deal as we have planned out a filming time, but we want to keep moving. Due to this, our editing has moved forward a lot. The peer reviewer gave us a few things to key in on and I think we have capitalized on these and made a much better movie. We redid the whole sequencing from clip to clip so make a smoother line of events. This also helps the reader keep interest, as they constantly done see our poor mistakes.
The biggest challenge we faced during this was the sound. When I was with Alex I screwed up the audio. It was all shifted and I didn’t know how to undo this. I went without letting him know and then we realized it was an issue. I should not have not hid this and it created more problems than it was worth. We had to go back in, and remove the music, and insert it again to set through the video properly. We also had to cut some clips and reedit them to fit the new format of the song. All of this was not major, but it shows us we couldn’t keep redoing everything when we make a little mistake. Another thing we did not too well editing was the importing. For whatever reason, we were having trouble inserting out clips into the software, and spent way to much time trying to just get the videos ready to work with.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Final Project Progress

From our last class we have not gotten much done. We are still sticking to plan, but working much slower. We have not been able to film as we simply could not get together. I worked all day Saturday and they had soccer practice. By the time I was off, it was dark and we need light to continue our filming. This left Sunday, and due to poor weather, it knocked away the whole day. This left us some time to discuss the next week what our plans were. We knew we had to continue the progress, and finish filming. We just needed to make sure we were all on the same page with what we wanted to do. We deliberated how the movie was going to end as our original ending could no longer work.
        We decided we would fake me jumping into the water, as it was not safe to jump in for real. We could not actually film me jumping in, but we could make it seem like I do. We want to film me jumping off, and cutting right before I do. Then have an shot of me from below jumping into a pool so it will create the same effect. I think this is the best as it will create the same effect for the ending. They proposed we end differently, sort of like a chase that keeps going. I did not like this as it doesn't keep the story going. We also discussed the continuous editing. From the peer editing, we knew what had to change and we were ready to implement these things until we had more footage. Having a gap week was nice as it allowed us to regroup and get ready for a big week to progress.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Editing After The Peer Review

We have now had several filming and editing sessions under our belts and are getting closer to having a finished product. The teacher assigned us a peer review to try and push ur to do better. I like this as it forces us to consider an outside element. It is very similar to how a Cambridge grader will look at our paper, so their feedback was very helpful in what we needed to do next. We know we need to finish the film, but for what we have done it was not that bad. Our filming was very solid. The reviewer gave us a positive sign on our angles saying they were very fluid. This meant all those times we spent arguing were actually useful. They may have seemed pointless and stupid, but they now have meaning. We questioned each other and pushed each others boundaries and wanted each other to crack to be able to put our clips in the movie.
Our editing was not going as good. Alex, in charge of editing had run into some problems allowing us less time. The camera and Sd card had been left at my house, and Alex had the vision for editing, so I waited to let him do his work. This meant we were going to have less time to edit, and this was made clear by our reviewer. They said our clips were together good, but we have too long of shots, lack proper transitions, and have un needed title screens. This was good to hear though. We all think our movies are good, so hearing negative feedback helps. We couldn't hold grudges here as we all had similar ideas for editing. We also had to switch the font of our title screens and this was a minor disagreement. We settled this easily but we have bigger issues we must move onto, like finishing the video and making sure we hit all our major plot points.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Peer Review

Our peer review didn't go as expected. We thought we were in a good spot as we thought everything was going well. Our reviewer did not think the same. They thought the start was good but it quickly fell apart. They liked our start but they thought our titles were on the screen for too long. They also think we transition too many times with the car. I guess this makes sense as this really does not help move the plot along. Cutting it back might make sense as it would allow for more action later on. They also didn't like the fact that we took so long to transition from the car to the house. They did however like the trunk shot and said it was not expected.
They did not like the timing between Jorge getting out of the car, because the editing could be more seamless allowing for a better shot. This made sense as we knew we could edit this together, but chose not to so we could focus more on other elements. With all these negatives, there was some positives they liked. They noticed our variety of shots, we had nearly every one on possible. They also liked how you could tell where they story was going. They didn't see the whole video, but they could tell how it was going to go and knew it would be good. This was a relief as we were afraid our story didn't have a good plot to watch. Overall, the peer review process was nice as it was the closest thing to an actual grade we are going to get before we send it to Cambridge. We hope to really bring it to the next level as this was eye opening as to what we need to do. The next thing we want to do is to is reshoot and edit some of these key scenes they told us about and finish up the movie.