Monday, March 2, 2020

Peer Review

Our peer review didn't go as expected. We thought we were in a good spot as we thought everything was going well. Our reviewer did not think the same. They thought the start was good but it quickly fell apart. They liked our start but they thought our titles were on the screen for too long. They also think we transition too many times with the car. I guess this makes sense as this really does not help move the plot along. Cutting it back might make sense as it would allow for more action later on. They also didn't like the fact that we took so long to transition from the car to the house. They did however like the trunk shot and said it was not expected.
They did not like the timing between Jorge getting out of the car, because the editing could be more seamless allowing for a better shot. This made sense as we knew we could edit this together, but chose not to so we could focus more on other elements. With all these negatives, there was some positives they liked. They noticed our variety of shots, we had nearly every one on possible. They also liked how you could tell where they story was going. They didn't see the whole video, but they could tell how it was going to go and knew it would be good. This was a relief as we were afraid our story didn't have a good plot to watch. Overall, the peer review process was nice as it was the closest thing to an actual grade we are going to get before we send it to Cambridge. We hope to really bring it to the next level as this was eye opening as to what we need to do. The next thing we want to do is to is reshoot and edit some of these key scenes they told us about and finish up the movie.

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